I still get carded. It doesn't happen with 100% frequency like it did before I had kids (and it didn't matter if my kid(s) were with me or not -- is there some secret mark? is it that obvious? "this man has produced a child and therefore must be over 21?" Strange.), but it does still happen. Every once in a while.
That frequent -- or given my penchant to purchase "adult" beverages -- very infrequent, occurrence, has been replaced over the years with the passive/aggressive workplace reminders of my youthfulness. Explaining to a new Sonics owner that I had been with the team for 10 years drew the serious/incredulous/patronizing reply -- "Did you start when you were 13?" It's clear they have a mark set in their head -- mid to late twenties at best -- and then they hear something that doesn't make the math work -- three kids, whistling "The Reflex," married almost 15 years, started as an intern in '92, memories of the Miracle on Ice, 13 years of Marketing experience.
Invariably once the math is busted and the truth is told I hear the backpedaling -- "oh, but that's a compliment," "you'll be so glad later in life," etc. Elbow tap, chuckle, heh, heh. Secretly though I think it bothered me. Maybe not taken as seriously as someone who looked more seasoned. Insecurities -- "do I come across like someone in their mid-twenties." Though, as George and Jerry reassuringly remind us -- "not that there's anything wrong with that." The mid-twenties, that is.
And, then, the capper. Just recently, boarding an airplane with our entire entourage of 5 people. I hand all five boarding passes to the United gate agent (not to be confused with flight attendants, who are not to be confused with stewardesses) who scans and beeps his way to checking us in. Keep walking down the jetway, Kate following and holding Lawton, Colin behind her practicing his swing. And, Quinn bringing up the rear. He pauses, puts his hand out for the boarding pass stub -- because that's what he's seen other people do and, have I mentioned, he's a "by the book" type of guy. Gate Agent, pauses, momentarily shakes off the stupor of taking 923 boarding passes already that day, quickly recalls his last check-in and says "oh, I already give it to your big brother."
Kate and I freeze, both thinking we heard what we thought we heard. Quinn starts to smile slowly as he registers. His dad, heavy-laden and looking ever the part of a three kid dad, has been mistaken for the older brother of a nine year old. Loud peals of laughter from the jetway as we wonder what would that make Kate? I board the 757 headed for 13 A, B, C and D with my three little brothers. And Mom?
That frequent -- or given my penchant to purchase "adult" beverages -- very infrequent, occurrence, has been replaced over the years with the passive/aggressive workplace reminders of my youthfulness. Explaining to a new Sonics owner that I had been with the team for 10 years drew the serious/incredulous/patronizing reply -- "Did you start when you were 13?" It's clear they have a mark set in their head -- mid to late twenties at best -- and then they hear something that doesn't make the math work -- three kids, whistling "The Reflex," married almost 15 years, started as an intern in '92, memories of the Miracle on Ice, 13 years of Marketing experience.
Invariably once the math is busted and the truth is told I hear the backpedaling -- "oh, but that's a compliment," "you'll be so glad later in life," etc. Elbow tap, chuckle, heh, heh. Secretly though I think it bothered me. Maybe not taken as seriously as someone who looked more seasoned. Insecurities -- "do I come across like someone in their mid-twenties." Though, as George and Jerry reassuringly remind us -- "not that there's anything wrong with that." The mid-twenties, that is.
And, then, the capper. Just recently, boarding an airplane with our entire entourage of 5 people. I hand all five boarding passes to the United gate agent (not to be confused with flight attendants, who are not to be confused with stewardesses) who scans and beeps his way to checking us in. Keep walking down the jetway, Kate following and holding Lawton, Colin behind her practicing his swing. And, Quinn bringing up the rear. He pauses, puts his hand out for the boarding pass stub -- because that's what he's seen other people do and, have I mentioned, he's a "by the book" type of guy. Gate Agent, pauses, momentarily shakes off the stupor of taking 923 boarding passes already that day, quickly recalls his last check-in and says "oh, I already give it to your big brother."
Kate and I freeze, both thinking we heard what we thought we heard. Quinn starts to smile slowly as he registers. His dad, heavy-laden and looking ever the part of a three kid dad, has been mistaken for the older brother of a nine year old. Loud peals of laughter from the jetway as we wonder what would that make Kate? I board the 757 headed for 13 A, B, C and D with my three little brothers. And Mom?